
1 .What i found in my yard that makes me happy is our chickens.because when they’re happy, I’m happy  cause they are free range.

I love to smell the flowers in our house.

4.I enjoy looking at the field which has really health grass.

5. i like looking also at the chicken coop cause its my Favorite Color .

6.our nature trail is is somehing we are grateful for too.


Every year the easter bunny leaves jelly beans all over our house. Also he leaves us an egg hunt. this year I want him to leave one in the chicken house. I like the candies he gives me like sour patch kids and m and ms .Also he gives me outside toys like a hula hoop or bubbles, a soccer ball or a bouncy ball.

math answers Part one and Part 2

Part 1:

28 /7=c .          I figured out the problem was answer c because the teacher had twenty eight  donuts and he shared them with seven kids.

4 x 9 =b .     I figured out the problem for answer b because there were four logs and 9 turtles

Part 2:

10×4= Thor had made 10 Easter eggs and he put 4 candies in each of them for the Easter bunny. How many candies did he leave for the Easter bunny?

24/4= There were 24 daisies and 4 families who wanted them. How many daisies did each family get?

In the morning I hear

In the morning i hear my dad showering for work . I hear my dogs barking at squirrels. I can hear  my mom making coffee .And our kitten zeus running around the house. Im grateful because my dad is showering for work that means he has a great job. Im grateful that my dogs  can run around in the backyard. coffee thats means everybody is happy and wakes up healthy. Im grateful to have a kitten that is so fun to play with and that he has a place to run around.


Lucy is a sweet cat . She black with a little of white. She has green eyes and short whiskers . She is almost 2 years old, her birthday is in May. She’s small she loves to be around people. She also loves to be snuggled with. She likes to play games and go outside.


I love chores around my house they’re really fun. I will tell you some of the chores. Dog’s food and water ,chicken’s food and water, cat’s food and water, brush all animals except hamster  and chickens, make bed, open blinds, brush hair, brush teeth ,sweep, homework, dishwasher and some more.


Im am grateful for my family because they

give me hugs and kisses

they are so nice on Wednesday nights

I rather me be with them

or nobody at all

they make me laugh

like bubbles in a bath

I don’t know what I would

would do with out them.


Zeus is our new little kitten. He is a Maine coon cat. He’s very smart, he can play cat games on the tablet.He’s orange and white, he’s fast and he loves to play all the time.He’s 9 weeks old we got him from a breeder that lives in Maine .He loves to be around people .We are working on giving him more baths because Maine coons are supposed to love water. He makes this sound that makes me laugh so hard. He loves string and when he sees string he goes after It. He loves dogs and loves to be around them. He loves being around all the animals around the house. He loves to be picked up.